the conflict in my book

In my bookThe Midnight Libraryby Matt Haig the conflict is ‘character vs self’. Nora Seed (protagonist) deals with a lot and when she felt like everything was too much, she ended her life, so when she woke up outside of a library, she was a bit confused on why she was there, because she just wanted to be dead. She was greeted at the door by her old elementary school librarian Mrs. Elm, who looked the same since she last saw her (19 years ago). Mrs. Elm then explains that in the library every book on the shelf is a life that Nora could have lived if she had done things differently.  

Nora is given the opportunity to enter these lives, and live the life she could have had if she never backed out of things, like if she hadn’t quit swimming, if she never left her brother’s band, if she studied something else or if she married this guy named Dan. But when Nora enters these lives, they are not what she imagined them to be like, there is always something wrong with them, and whenever Nora got “disappointed” (if they weren’t like how she imagined them) in a life, she would be pulled back to the library where she would try something else, then eventually get pulled back to the library again because there was always something majorly wrong, either it was how things were going in that life, or about who she was as a person.  

There was a moment when she was in one of these lives that she almost died, and in that moment, she had this feeling like she didn’t want to die, but after she had this near-death experience, she didn’t think too much about it. In the last life Nora tried, it was one that was the most like her original life (she undid one of her more recent regrets) and in that life she was probably there for about 3 weeks, and she started to feel happy with how things were and with herself, that she did not want to die. 

my novel

The book I’m reading is called “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig. I choose this book because it sounded a really interesting and it had a question in the back that went along the lines of “If you had the chance to undo all your regrets would you do it?” and that made me interested on what Nora(protagonist) would do/choose. My first impression of the book was that Nora seemed like she had a stressful life and everything was all going down hill for her. Nora Seed deals with a lot of regret, and feels like she’s always ruining her chances of things by backing out last second.




It’s yo pal Hailey, I live on Manitoulin island. I am in grade 10, my classes I have this semester is Math, Hairstyling and aesthetic, History and English. This school year I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge in the course this year